B.S. in Mathematics - Applied and Computational Mathematics Concentration

Academic Foundations
First Year Experience requirement4
English Composition requirement6-7
Mathematics requirement3-4
Interdisciplinary requirement3
Diverse Communities requirement3
Ethics requirement3
Distributed Disciplinary Foundations
Science requirement6-8
Computer Science I
General Biology I
General Chemistry I
Introduction to Geology
Physics I
Behavioral & Social Science requirement6
Humanities requirement6
Arts requirement3
University Requirements
Writing Emphasis requirement9
Business and Organizational Writing
Technical Writing
Client-Based Writing
Industrial Mathematics Practicum
Speaking Emphasis requirement9
Industrial Mathematics Practicum
Degree Requirements
Capstone requirement1-15
Major Courses
MAT 125Introduction to Statistics and Probability
MAT 161Calculus I4
MAT 162Calculus II4
MAT 200The Nature of Mathematics3
MAT 261Calculus III4
MAT 311Linear Algebra 13
STA 200Introduction to Statistics II3
STA 319Applied Statistics3
MAT 325Numerical Analysis I3
MAT 343Differential Equations3
MAT 413Computer Algebra3
MAT 425Numerical Analysis II3
MAT 433Mathematical Modeling3
or MAT 427 Introduction to Optimization Techniques
MAT 443Applied Analysis I3
MAT 445Complex Variables3
or MAT 441 Real Analysis I
Related/Cognate Requirements
Select one of the following:3
Business and Organizational Writing
Technical Writing
Client-Based Writing
CSC 141Computer Science I 13
PHY 170Physics I 13-4
or BIO 110 General Biology I
or CHE 103 General Chemistry I
or ESS 101 Introduction to Geology
Select 12-13 credits of science cognates (PHY, BIO, CHE, CSC, or ESS) under the guidance of an advisor. At least two cognates must be at the 200-level or above. 12-13
Free Electives or Internship
Select elective credits or internship credits to reach 120 total credits for the degree.
MAT 491Internship in Applied Mathematics 22-4
Capstone Requirement
MAT 455Industrial Mathematics Practicum 33
Total Minimum Credits Required120

Indicates course satisfies a general education requirement.


MAT 491 is an elective and not a requirement. It may be taken for variable credit and repeated for credit.


This course fulfills the Capstone requirement.

Accelerated B.S. Mathematics - Applied and Computational Mathematics to M.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematics Program

To be considered for the accelerated program, students must have attained (completed) 75 credits with a minimum of 24 mathematics credits.  Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 including a minimum GPA of 3.00 for mathematics courses. Once admitted to the graduate program, graduate policies apply, including minimum GPA (3.00). See the Graduate Catalog for further details.

Students in the accelerated program can take up to 15 credits of graduate coursework to satisfy the B.S. program requirements. The course list below provides the approved graduate substitutions for undergraduate courses. The remaining graduate courses can be taken in place of free electives in the B.S. program.

Major Requirements 1
MAT 545Real Analysis I 23
or MAT 575 Complex Analysis I
MAT 548Industrial Mathematics - Continuous Models 33
Free Electives or Internship
The remaining 9 credits of graduate courses may be taken in place of Free Electives.9

MAT 500 and one of the Industrial Mathematics Practicum courses (MAT 555 or MAT 556) are waived for students in the accelerated program.


Choose one (but not both) of these substitutions since the B.S. program requires only one analysis class (real or complex). These courses are substitutions for MAT 441 and MAT 445.


MAT 548 is a graduate substitution for MAT 433.

All math major courses must be passed with a C or better.

To track their individual degree progress, students are advised to access their Degree Audit via RamPortal regularly. For more information, visit the Degree Audit FAQ webpage.

The following is a sample suggested course sequence for this program; course offerings and availability are not guaranteed. Students should consult their academic advisor with any questions.

B.S. in Mathematics - Applied and Computational Mathematics Concentration

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MAT 125 Introduction to Statistics and Probability 3
MAT 161 Calculus I 4
CSC 141 Computer Science I 3
WRT 120
Effective Writing I
or Effective Writing with Supplemental Writing Workshop
FYE 100XFirst Year Experience 4
MAT 162 Calculus II 4
MAT 200 The Nature of Mathematics 3
PHY 170
Physics I
or General Biology I
or General Chemistry I
or Introduction to Geology
Behavioral/Social Science Gen Ed 3
Humanities Gen Ed 3
Year Two
MAT 261 Calculus III 4
MAT 311 Linear Algebra 3
WRT 2XX200-Level WRT Course 3
Cognate 1 1 3
Humanities Gen Ed 3
MAT 343 Differential Equations 3
MAT 325 Numerical Analysis I 3
STA 200 Introduction to Statistics II 3
Cognate 2 1 3
Behavioral/Social Science Gen Ed 3
Year Three
MAT 413 Computer Algebra 3
MAT 425 Numerical Analysis II 3
MAT 433 Mathematical Modeling 3
Cognate 3 1 3
Arts Gen Ed 3
MAT 443 Applied Analysis I 3
STA 319 Applied Statistics 3
ENG 368
Business and Organizational Writing (W)
or Technical Writing
or Strategies for Writing in the Workplace
JW Course 3
Free Elective 3 3
Year Four
MAT 441
Real Analysis I
or Complex Variables
Cognate 4 1 3
IW Course 3
Free Elective 3 3
MAT 455 Industrial Mathematics Practicum 3
MAT 491 Internship in Applied Mathematics 2 4
Free Elective 3 3
Free Elective 3 3
 Total Credits120

Select four Science Cognates (PHY, BIO, CHE, CSC, ESS) under guidance of advisor. At least two cognates must be at the 200-level or above. Discuss with your advisor any prerequisites, for example, CSC 220 requires MAT 151.


May be taken for variable credit and repeated for credit.


Must be approved by advisor. A minor may be obtained by electing appropriate additional classes in a single scientific discipline. Discuss this option with your advisor.

Accelerated B.S. in Mathematics - Applied and Computational Mathematics to M.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematics

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MAT 161 Calculus I 4
MAT 125 Introduction to Statistics and Probability 3
CSC 141 Computer Science I 3
Humanities Gen Ed 3
Behavioral/Social Science Gen Ed 3
MAT 162 Calculus II 4
MAT 200 The Nature of Mathematics 3
WRT 120 Effective Writing I 3
SPK 230 Business and Professional Speech Communication 3
Science Gen Ed 3
Year Two
MAT 261 Calculus III 4
MAT 311 Linear Algebra 3
WRT 200 Critical Writing and Research 3
Cognate 1 3
JW Course 3
MAT 343 Differential Equations 3
MAT 325 Numerical Analysis I 3
Cognate 2 3
Behavioral/Social Science Gen Ed 3
Free Elective 3
Year Three
MAT 413 Computer Algebra 3
MAT 425 Numerical Analysis II 3
Cognate 3 3
Humanities Gen Ed 3
Science Gen Ed 3
STA 319 Applied Statistics 3
MAT 443 Applied Analysis I 3
ENG 368 Business and Organizational Writing 3
IW Course 3
Gen Ed Elective 3
Year Four
MAT 548 Industrial Mathematics - Continuous Models 3
MAT 554 Scientific Computing 3
STA 505 Mathematical Statistics I 3
Cognate 4 3
Gen Ed Elective 3
MAT 491 Internship in Applied Mathematics 3
MAT 575 Complex Analysis I (elective) 3
MAT 549 Industrial Mathematics - Discrete Models 3
MAT 455 Industrial Mathematics Practicum 3
Arts Gen Ed 3
Year Five
MAT 552 Operations Research 3
STA 511 Intro Stat Computing & Data Management 3
500-level MAT or STA Elective 3
MAT 553 Stochastic Modeling 3
MAT 555 Industrial Practicum - Continuous Models 3
 Total Credits138