SML: Sports Medicine Lab

College of Health Sciences

How to Read Course Descriptions

SML 510. Therapeutic Agents Lab. 1 Credit.

Lab experiences for the application of therapeutic agents presented in SMD 510.
Pre / Co requisites: SML 510 requires a prerequisite or co-requisite of SMD 510.
Typically offered in Spring.

SML 511. Principles of Rehabilitation Lab. 2 Credits.

Lab experiences in the application of exercises presented in SMD 511.
Pre / Co requisites: SML 511 requires a co-requisite of SMD 511.
Typically offered in Fall.

SML 654. Sport Physiology in Various Populations and Environments Lab. 1 Credit.

This laboratory course will expose students to and involve them in activities related to the lecture course SMD 654, Sport Physiology in Various Populations and Environments.
Pre / Co requisites: SML 654 requires a co-requisite of SMD 654.
Typically offered in Fall.