EDF: Educational Foundations

College of Education and Social Work

How to Read Course Descriptions

EDF 199. Transfer Credits. 1-10 Credits.

Transfer Credits.
Repeatable for Credit.

EDF 255. Evolution of Schooling in U.S.. 3 Credits.

An examination of the historical evolution and contemporary purposes, practices, and structures of schooling in the United States. Students will investigate the political, sociological, and economic motivators in the origin, maintenance, and reform of American schooling. In addition, students utilize the course's historical context to engage in an examination of contemporary issues in American schooling, specific attention will be given to the impact of current educational reforms on the theory and practice of early childhood education.
Gen Ed Attribute: Interdisciplinary Requirement.
Typically offered in Fall & Spring.

EDF 300. Democracy and Education. 3 Credits.

A study of the philosophical, historical and sociological issues related to American education. The course places schools within the context of the larger American society and asks to what degree can and should schools serve as agents for creating a more just and democratic society.
Gen Ed Attribute: Interdisciplinary Requirement.
Typically offered in Fall & Spring.

EDF 360. The Learner in Non-School Settings. 3 Credits.

Emphasis in the course will be placed on intra- and interpersonal development, facilitative growth and adjustment, and dysfunction as they may impact the non-school educator or trainer.