Minor in Supply Chain Management

College of Business and Public Management

 Students must complete a minimum of six credits of advanced standing coursework in their minor.*

Required Courses
MAT 121Introduction to Statistics I 13
or MAT 125 Introduction to Statistics and Probability
or ECO 251 Business Analytics I
MGT 341Production and Operations Management 23
SCM 351Supply Chain Management3
SCM 361Principles of Project Management3
MIS 300Introduction to Management Information Systems 23
Elective Courses
Choose one:3
MGT 381
Supply Chain Management in China
Total Minimum Credits Required18

Students who have completed introductory statistics courses but with different titles (e.g., PSY 245 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences) are not required to take MAT 121 or MAT 125 or ECO 251.


MGT 200 prerequisite will be waived for non-business major students.


Study abroad trip based course

To be admitted to the minor, students must possess an overall G.P.A. of at least 2.5. Students must maintain an overall G.P.A. of at least 2.5 and earn a grade of C or higher in each course required for the minor.

*Advanced standing coursework is defined as any 300-level course or above and specific 200-level courses identified by the department.