Minor in Latin American and Latino/a Studies

College of Arts and Humanities

 Students must complete a minimum of six credits of advanced standing coursework in their minor.*

Required Courses
Complete a total of 18 credits from at least two departments. 1,218
Native People of South America
Ethnology of Central America
Native People of the Andes
Archaeology of Central America
Latin Jazz Ensemble
Theatre and Dance
Cuban Rumba: Cultural Identity
Special Topics Children's/Young Adult Literature
Languages and Cultures
Latin-American Culture and Civilization (In English)
Latin America on Film (in English)
Latin American Narrative from the European Conquest to 1930s
Contemporary Latin American Narrative
Latin American Avant-Gardes and Mass Media
Utopia and Apocalypse in the Americas
Speaking Spanish in the United States
Latinos in the U.S.
Latina Writing
Latina Writing
Politics & Economics Lit Of Modern Amer
Politics and Economics Lit of Modern Amer
Latino Literatures in the US
Global Science Fiction 1
Spanish Language Courses 3
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish for Reading
Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition
Advanced Spanish Grammar and Conversation
Spanish for Heritage Speakers
Business Topics in Spanish
Senior Seminar in Hispanic Literary, Film, and Cultural Studies I 1
Senior Seminar in Hispanic Literary, Film, and Cultural Studies II 1
Geography of Latin America
Senior Seminar In Geography 1
Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
History of Mexico
History of Brazil
Political Science
International Relations
The United States and Latin America
Latin American Culture and Politics
Latinx Politics
Social Stratification
Topical Seminar in Sociology 1
Social Work
Race Relations
Study Abroad 4
Total Minimum Credits Required18

400-level seminars and other courses may be approved by the LALS director if 50% or more of the content is focused on Latin American or Latinx studies.


Courses may be distributed at any credit ratio between two or more disciplines from the list.


Limit of 6 credits of Spanish-language courses


Up to 6 credits, subject to approval by the LALS director

Courses must be selected (under advisement) from Latin American and/or Latino/a-oriented courses offered by the departments of Anthropology and Sociology, Geography and Planning, Political ScienceArt, Dance or others. 

A student should maintain a 2.5 average in area-studies courses to be recommended for graduate work in the area-studies concentration.

Additional information can be found on the LALS website.  

For advising, see Dr. Leon Arredondo in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology.

*Advanced standing coursework is defined as any 300-level course or above and specific 200-level courses identified by the department.