Non-Degree Admissions
“Non-degree” is an academic term used to describe students who are “not formally accepted into a degree-seeking program.” Students often begin their graduate college careers by enrolling in courses in non-degree status for personal and professional growth. Students may enroll in graduate-level courses on a non-degree basis after having earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution.
Non-degree students may schedule up to nine credits of course work on a non-matriculated basis and may be permitted to take a workshop or other noncredit bearing class. Non-degree students are permitted to enroll in any graduate course in which they possess the necessary prerequisite coursework and/or can demonstrate, prior to enrollment, minimum performance competencies. Non-degree students may also be required to seek permission from the instructor. Students enrolling in courses under this policy are expected to meet the minimum GPA required for graduate work and are encouraged to seek the academic guidance of the graduate coordinator in their intended discipline. Completing courses on a non-degree basis does not guarantee admission, and credits earned may not necessarily be applied to a degree program at a later date. Non-degree students are not eligible to receive financial aid. Additional coursework may be taken only after the student has applied and been accepted as a matriculated student into one of the categories described above. Students taking only special courses, such as workshops, are the exception to this rule. Students should begin the formal application process immediately after they have decided to pursue a graduate degree at West Chester University.
For additional information, contact The Graduate School at 610-436-2943, via e-mail at, or view more information on The Graduate School website.