FRE: French
How to Read Course Descriptions
FRE 501. French Business Culture. 3 Credits.
The course offers advanced French language skills in an international Francophone business context. It covers intercultural management, work ethics, business etiquette, communication guidelines and cross-cultural self awareness. Activities include case studies, market simulations, international correspondence, mock interviews and preparation for internships in French owned or French related companies. Regularly scheduled online group discussions and individual research presentations are required components of the course. No prior knowledge of business or economics is necessary.
Distance education offering may be available.
FRE 503. Oral Proficiency. 3 Credits.
Advanced oral discussion of prepared topics in Francophone culture to aid graduate students in achieving or maintaining ACTFL Advanced Low capabilities in open dialogical exchange.
FRE 504. Francophone Literature & Culture. 3 Credits.
This course offers francophone literature texts in context with art, music, political history and cultural traditions through presentations involving images, audio and video.
Distance education offering may be available.
FRE 505. Writing Proficiency. 3 Credits.
Writing Proficiency course emphasizing expression on a variety of topics to aid students in achieving the performance level of Advanced Low as outlined by ACTFL
FRE 510. French Theater. 3 Credits.
Principal French dramatists analyzed against the social, political, literary, and critical backgrounds of their age.
FRE 515. French Civilization. 3 Credits.
A study of France since 1789, with emphasis on social, political, economic, and educational institutions.
Distance education offering may be available.
FRE 520. Topics in French Literature and Language. 3 Credits.
Course topics courses will vary by semester and instructor, and may include titles such as genre studies, film study, women writers, francophone writers, the study of literary periods or movements, and structural and applied linguistics.
Repeatable for credit.
FRE 522. Topics in French Literature. 3 Credits.
Course topics courses will vary by semester and instructor, and may include titles such as genre studies, film study, women writers, francophone writers, the study of literary periods or movements, and structural and applied linguistics.
Repeatable for credit.
FRE 550. French Film Studies. 3 Credits.
Viewing and reviewing 75 years of French cinema, to develop critical analytical skills regarding 20th and 21st century French culture.
Distance education offering may be available.