PAX: Peace and Conflict Studies
How to Read Course Descriptions
PAX 200. Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies. 3 Credits.
An interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature and causes of social conflict. The aim throughout is to find ways of avoiding destructive conflict, whether through negotiation or other means. The issue of justice as a factor in conflict receives special attention.
Gen Ed Attribute: Global Awareness Pathway, Interdisciplinary Requirement
Equivalent courses: WOS 200
PAX 301. Global Perspectives in Peace and Justice. 3 Credits.
This course examines global issues of social justice, reconciliation, and peacemaking with an emphasis on post-colonial resistance, political violence, economic justice, ethnic conflicts, international human rights, and global environmental concerns. The course utilizes theories from Peace and Conflict Studies with an emphasis on post-colonial discourse, feminist theory, critical race theory, conflict transformation, and global peacemaking.
Gen Ed Attribute: Diverse Community(select both), Interdisciplinary Requirement
PAX 315. Peace and Conflict Studies Travel Seminar. 3 Credits.
This seminar will be approximately three weeks in length and must include at least 10 days of travel. The travel will be an examination of social justice issues and/or conflict transformation work in a location that has experienced conflict. The focus of the seminar will be peace and conflict studies in theory and practice. The seminar will include a study of the social, cultural, and historical contexts of the location. Students will prepare for departure with assigned readings, films, and/or hands-on activities. The seminar will consist of historical site visits, lectures/interviews with local people, sessions with peace practitioners, readings, and discussions. Possible locations may include, among others: the U.S. South, the U.S. Southwest, Israel/Palestine, India, Korea, Germany, and South Africa.
Gen Ed Attribute: Interdisciplinary Requirement
Repeatable for credit.
PAX 345. Mediation and Conciliation. 3 Credits.
This is a course designed to place conflict transformation theory and management in to practice. The course will give students the skills they need to engage in community mediation. Students will spend the beginning of the semester learning basic theories and best practices in mediation. The remainder of the semester will allow students to practice the art of mediation through role plays. Students will get the experience of being a mediator and a disputant.
PAX 345 Prerequisite/Corequisite: PAX 200, with a minimum grade of D-, or permission of the departement chair.
PAX 373. Conflict Transformation. 3 Credits.
This is a course designed with a focus on constructive change processes. Students will investigate and develop analytical frameworks for understanding conflict and violence. The course will provide strategies for violence prevention/reduction, conflict transformation, and post-conflict healing. Special attention will be given to the topics of interpersonal peacemaking and restorative justice.
PAX 373 Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3 credits in PAX, PHI, or WOS, with minimum grades of or permission of the program chair.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
PAX 377. Community Organizing: Strategies and Practice. 3 Credits.
This is a course that explores strategies and practice of organizing for social change. This course will study and engage social problems and the agencies (NGOs, non-profits, Not-for-profits, religious, and governmental) which deal with social problems through the strategic organizing. The course will examine the way social change occurs and how and why people organize with a focus on social, political, and economic justice and radical democracy. Students will be exposed to a variety of methods and practical strategies for nonviolent community organizing. While time is given to theory, this course will focus on the practice of social change and the development of practical skills for capacity building, strategic design, and organizing logistics.
PAX 377 Prerequisite: Successful completion of PAX 200, RUX 110, or YES 250, with minimum grades of
Equivalent courses: RUX 377
PAX 400. Peace & Conflict Studies Seminar. 3 Credits.
This course is a capstone experience for Peace and Conflict Studies students to solidify and integrate their study of social justice, activism, international relations and negotiation and conflict theory with real world experience. Students will examine and review the various theoretical insights of the discipline, get hands on experience with conflict resolution in the real world, and integrate the insights gleaned from both practical and classroom learning into an overarching model of conflict management to be developed over the course of the semester.