How to Read Course Descriptions
The bolded first line begins with a capitalized abbreviation that designates the subject area followed by the course number and title. The credit hour value is also displayed.
The course description outlines what topics are covered in the course.
Prerequisites: Coursework and/or other requirements to be completed before taking the course.
Corequisites: Course(s) that must be taken in the same term.
"Recommended courses": Prerequisites or corequisites that are not required for enrollment in a particular course but would aid the student in successful completion of that course.
"Gen Ed Attribute": Indicates the general education attributes that apply to a particular course, regardless of the student's university admit term.
General Education Key: List of available general education areas that a particular course may satisfy. Certain areas cannot be simultaneously satisfied by the same course. See General Education Requirements for more information.
- ARC - Arabic Culture Cluster
- ART - Arts Distributive
- ASL - American Sign Language Culture Cluster
- BSS - Behavioral and Social Science Distributive
- CAP - Capstone
- CEP - Community Engagement Pathway
- CLC - Classical Civilizations Culture Cluster
- DIV - Diverse Communities
- DLP - Digital Literacy Pathway
- ENG - English Composition
- ETH - Ethics
- FFC - France and Francophone Area Culture Cluster
- FYE - First-Year Experience
- GAP - Global Awareness Pathway
- GEC - German Culture Cluster
- HHP - Health Humanities Pathway
- HUM - Humanities Distributive
- INT - Interdisciplinary
- ITC - Italian Culture Cluster
- REC - Russian and Eastern European Culture Cluster
- SCI - Science Distributive
- SPC - Spanish Culture Cluster
- SPE - Speaking Emphasis
- SUP - Sustainability Pathway
- WRT - Writing Emphasis
Distance Education: Indicates if a course is approved to be offered via distance education. See the class schedule for details.
Repeatable for Credit: Indicates if a student can take the course more than once and obtain credit. Verify the maximum allowable number of credits with the department.
Equivalent: Indicates if there are any other course offerings that are considered equivalent to the course listing. Although all will satisfy the same requirements, no more than one can be taken for credit. Subsequent attempts of any of the course numbers will be subject to repeat rules.