SCE: Earth and Space Science Education

How to Read Course Descriptions

SCE 320. Science Methods for Grades PK-4. 3 Credits.

A science methods course for PreK-4 teachers to master classroom and materials preparation and the design of developmentally effective instruction and assessment. Teachers learn methods that promote children's ability to do inquiry and master PA academic standards in science and technology and environment and ecology.

SCE 320 Prerequisite: Teacher Candidacy.

SCE 330. Science Methods for Middle Level (4-8). 3 Credits.

A course to prepare the middle level teachers for teaching science with a focus on the developmental and pedagogical needs of middle level students. Teacher candidates will apply science content, develop knowledge how students learn science, explore materials and resources, and learn how to plan and access effective standards based middle level science instruction.

SCE 330 Prerequisite: Teacher Candidacy.