Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Policy, Planning, and Administration - Higher Education Administration Concentration

Professional and Research Core
EDD 700Doctoral Seminar in Educational Studies3
EDD 701Introduction to Educational Leadership3
EDD 720Educational Research Design and Measurement3
EDD 722Qualitative Methods for Educational Researchers3
EDD 723Quantitative Methods for Educational Researchers3
EDD 724Mixed Methods for Educational Researchers3
Higher Education Aministration Concentration Area
EDD 706Critical University Studies3
EDD 707U.S. College Students Today3
EDD 709Higher Education Administration, Governance, and Leadership3
EDD 710Critical Perspectives on Race in Higher Education
Focal Area Electives
9 credits of graduate-level coursework related to candidate’s area of focus.9
EDD 800Pre-Dissertation Seminar3
Comprehensive Exam 1
Integrated Dissertation 2
EDD 801Education Research Experience I: Research Questions/ Literature Review3
EDD 802Education Research Experience II: Instrumentation and Data Collection3
EDD 803Education Research Experience III: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis3
EDD 804Education Research Experience IV: Findings and Conclusions3
Total Minimum Credits Required54

Students are required to sit for a comprehensive exam following the satisfactory completion of all courses at the 700-level, courses in the elective focus area, and EDD 800. Students are required to successfully pass the exam before enrolling in EDD 801. Questions are furnished to students in Summer Session 1 and collected in Summer Session 2. Please refer to the Comprehensive Exam policy for additional information.


The Ed.D. Integrated Dissertation Model is embedded in the entire program. It culminates in a series of five courses whereby students demonstrate mastery of required competencies through the completion of a final culminating independent applied research dissertation. Candidates will conduct the project in a setting related to their area of concentration, presumably their current employment setting. The student will enroll in EDD 800-EDD 804 and select a committee who will serve to provide support, feedback, and approvals throughout the Integrated Dissertation. The Integrated Dissertation Advisor will be the instructor of EDD 800-EDD 804 and serve as the chair of the committee. All Ed.D. candidates will, in consultation with their Integrated Dissertation Advisor, solicit participation of committee members to be maintained for the entirety of the Integrated Dissertation EDD 800-EDD 804 (a minimum of two semesters). The committee shall consist of the following: 1 Integrated Dissertation Advisor and 2 WCU faculty members who hold terminal degrees. At least one member of the committee should be designated as the methodologist and have familiarity with the research methods proposed by the candidate. In addition to the three required committee members, candidates have the option to add a fourth committee member who can serve as either a research site advisor or content specialist. They must hold a terminal degree and be approved by the Program Advisor in consultation with the Integrated Dissertation Advisor. 


To track their individual degree progress, students are advised to access their Degree Audit via RamPortal and consult their Graduate Coordinator.  For more information, visit the Degree Audit FAQ webpage.

The following is a sample suggested course sequence for this program; course offerings and availability are not guaranteed. Students should consult their academic advisor with any questions.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
EDD 700 Doctoral Seminar in Educational Studies 3
EDD 701 Social and Ethical Foundations of Education Policy Research 3
EDD 710 Critical Perspectives on Race in Higher Education 3
EDD 720 Educational Research Design and Measurement 3
EDD 707 U.S. College Students Today 3
EDD 709 Higher Education Administration, Governance, and Leadership 3
Focus Area Course 1 3
Year Two
EDD 722 Qualitative Methods for Educational Researchers 3
EDD 723 Quantitative Methods for Educational Researchers 3
EDD 706 Critical University Studies 3
EDD 724 Mixed Methods for Educational Researchers 3
EDD 800 Pre-Dissertation Seminar 3
Focus Area Course 1 3
Focus Area Course 1 3
Year Three
EDD 801 Education Research Experience I: Research Questions/ Literature Review 3
EDD 802 Education Research Experience II: Instrumentation and Data Collection 3
EDD 803 Education Research Experience III: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis 3
EDD 804 Education Research Experience IV: Findings and Conclusions 3
 Total Credits54

Course selection and timing will be decided upon in consultation with an advisor.