Secondary English Certification Option

College of Education and Social Work

(*Note: As of Spring 2021, this program is no longer accepting new students.)

Required Courses
Select two of the following linguistics courses:3
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of Modern English
Structure of Modern English
Complete the following advanced method courses:
SED 390Teaching English in Secondary Schools3
SED 392Writing and Teaching Writing Secondary English3
Advanced English Courses 1
Select one course in literary theory (e.g., ENG 296 or ENG 501)3
Select one course in British literature3
Select one course in American literature3
Select one course in world literature3
Select one course in literature for young adults (e.g., LIT 398 or ENG 593; prereq: literary theory)3
Select a course that theorizes teaching (e.g., ENG 506, ENG 595, ENG 596, ENG 600)3
Select one course in reading texts rhetorically ("The Rhetorics of...")3
Select one composition and rhetoric elective3
Select one English elective3
Total Credits Required 36

"Advanced" means courses determined to be upper-level undergraduate or graduate courses. At West Chester, the courses that qualify are numbered in the 300s, 400s, 500s, or 600s.