Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) [with Accelerated B.S.N.]

Required Courses
NSG 381
NSL 381
Nursing Foundations & Population Health/Gero
and Caring for Healthy, Acute and Chronic Populations - Nursing Foundations and Population Health/Gero 1
NSG 383
NSL 383
Caring for Healthy, Acute and Chronic Populations - Pediatrics/Maternity/Medical-Surgical I
and Caring for Healthy, Acute and Chronic Populations - Pediatrics/Maternity/Medical-Surgical I 1
NSG 385
NSL 385
Caring for Acutely Ill Populations - Medical-Surgical II & Behavioral Health/Immersive Experience
and Caring for Acutely Ill Populations - Medical-Surgical II & Behavioral Health/Immersive Experience 1
NSG 530Nursing Theories & Issues 13
NSG 531Healthcare Policy, Leadership & Organization3
NSG 532Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nursing 13
NSG 533Physical Assessment for APNs4
NSG 534Pharmacology for APN3
NSG 535Population-based Health Promotion3
NSG 536Evidence-Based Practice Research3
NSG 537Bioethical Decision Making in Health Care3
NSG 564Nurse as a Leader I3
NSG 565Nurse as a Leader II6
Total Minimum Credits Required58

Upon successful completion of these courses, students will be conferred the B.S.N. degree. Students must earn a C or better in NSG 381, NSL 381, NSG 383, NSL 383, NSG 385, and NSL 385, as well as a B or better in all 500-level NSG courses.


To track their individual degree progress, students are advised to access their Degree Audit via RamPortal and consult their Graduate Coordinator.  For more information, visit the Degree Audit FAQ webpage.

The following is a sample suggested course sequence for this program; course offerings and availability are not guaranteed. Students should consult their academic advisor with any questions.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Semester OneCredits
NSG 530 Nursing Theories & Issues 3
NSG 532 Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nursing 3
NSG 533 Physical Assessment for APNs 4
NSG 535 Population-based Health Promotion 3
Semester Two
NSG 381 Nursing Foundations & Population Health/Gero 3
NSL 381 Caring for Healthy, Acute and Chronic Populations - Nursing Foundations and Population Health/Gero 3
NSG 534 Pharmacology for APN 3
Semester Three
NSG 383 Caring for Healthy, Acute and Chronic Populations - Pediatrics/Maternity/Medical-Surgical I 6
NSL 383 Caring for Healthy, Acute and Chronic Populations - Pediatrics/Maternity/Medical-Surgical I 3
NSG 536 Evidence-Based Practice Research 3
Year Two
Semester One
NSG 385 Caring for Acutely Ill Populations - Medical-Surgical II & Behavioral Health/Immersive Experience 6
NSL 385 Caring for Acutely Ill Populations - Medical-Surgical II & Behavioral Health/Immersive Experience 3
NSG 537 Bioethical Decision Making in Health Care 3
Semester Two
NSG 531 Healthcare Policy, Leadership & Organization 3
NSG 564 3
Semester Three
NSG 565 6
 Total Credits58