SED: Secondary Education

College of Education and Social Work

How to Read Course Descriptions

SED 501. Learning, Teaching, and Outcomes I. 6 Credits.

This course focuses on building foundational pedagogical knowledge around understanding adolescent learning and development, planning, curriculum, and instruction in the context of the school and relevance to student, as well as assessing and building upon students' prior knowledge, strengths, and needs. Residency candidates will explore how learning student backgrounds and histories affect their classroom performance. They will plan lessons around research-based effective practices, gather data to examine what student learning looks like through formal and informal assessments, and use data to develop action plans and adjust instructional plans to address student learning needs. Additionally, resident candidates will participate in community engagement activities.
Typically offered in Summer.

SED 502. Learning, Teaching, and Outcomes II. 3 Credits.

This course continues to develop pedagogical knowledge around understanding adolescent learning and development, planning, curriculum, and instruction in the context of the school and relevance to student, as well as assessing and building upon students' prior knowledge, strengths and needs. Residency candidates will learn classroom management techniques and build a plan for classroom behavior that builds up students' backgrounds and need. Additionally, residency candidates will increase their knowledge with learning about instructional technology.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 502 requires a prerequisite of SED 501.
Typically offered in Summer.

SED 503. Reflective Teaching Seminar I. 1 Credit.

The reflective seminar is an opportunity to build and reflect upon pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge for teaching, and pedagogical content knowledge based on the experiences in the classroom. Each session will focus on topics that will allow teacher candidates to consolidate their thinking and apply their learning.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 503 requires a prerequisite of SED 502.
Typically offered in Fall.

SED 505. Field Experience For Secondary Teachers. 3 Credits.

The purpose of this course is to apply the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary teacher. This course will allow students to work in a classroom setting to examine how the curriculum is delivered in a secondary school setting. They will work with students on an individual or group basis, work cooperatively with teachers, and participate in the lesson and assessment planning process. By the end of the course, they should teach at least one lesson in a classroom setting.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 505 requires students to be majors only.
Typically offered in Fall & Spring.

SED 510. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education. 3 Credits.

The objective of this course is to give students the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary education teacher. This course will discuss research-based effective strategies for teaching. Emphasis will be placed on how assessment, technology, and curriculum impact teaching and learning across and within subject disciplines.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 510 requires a prerequisite of SED 530 or SED 550 or SED 560 or SED 590; and a corequisite of SED 511.
Typically offered in Fall & Spring.

SED 511. Secondary Student Teaching. 6 Credits.

Candidates in the Master's in Secondary Education program will complete the certification portion of their program with a sixteen-week student teaching experience. This will include observation and participation in teaching and all other activities related to the teacher's work in the area of the student's specialization. Field clearances required.
Consent: Permission of the Department required to add.
Typically offered in Spring.

SED 515. Action Research Seminar. 3 Credits.

This course represents the capstone research experience for the M.Ed. in Secondary Education, non-residency option. Candidates conceptualize, conduct, and communicate an action research project in the student teaching internship.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 515 requires a corequisite of SED 511.
Typically offered in Fall & Spring.

SED 530. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Social Studies. 6 Credits.

This course supports graduate candidates seeking 7-12 Secondary Social Studies PA certification, providing intensive coursework in designing, implementing, and assessing teaching and learning in the social studies disciplines. Candidates are supervised in the application of these skills in the field experience.
Consent: Permission of the Department required to add.
Typically offered in Fall.

SED 550. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Mathematics. 6 Credits.

The objective of this course is to give students the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary mathematics teacher. This course will examine a core set of high-leverage practices and teaching skills necessary to promote deep learning of mathematics based on NCTM's Mathematics Teaching Practices from Principles to Actions (2014).
Pre / Co requisites: SED 550 requires a corequisite of SED 505.
Typically offered in Fall.

SED 560. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science. 6 Credits.

Philosophy, objectives, and methods of science teaching for Grades 7-12. Practical experience provided.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 560 requires prerequisites of Teacher Candidacy and up-to-date clearances (criminal record, child abuse, FBI, and TB).
Typically offered in Fall.

SED 570. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science and Mathematics I. 6 Credits.

The objective of this course is to give students the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary science or mathematics teacher. This course will discuss research-based effective strategies for teaching, such as orchestrating mathematical discussion, writing learning progressions, formative assessment, growth-mindset-oriented teaching strategies, and the use of technology across mathematics and science content. Particular emphasis will be given to teaching the more overarching concepts in each of these areas as well as making connections between topics and between courses. Emphasis will be placed on developing the thinking skills of high school students relevant to their cultural, social, and racial backgrounds.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 570 requires a prerequisite of SED 502.
Typically offered in Fall.

SED 571. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science and Mathematics II. 3 Credits.

The objective of this course is to give students the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary science or mathematics teacher. This course will continue to build their capacity to implement research-based effective strategies for teaching, such as productive struggle, culturally relevant content pedagogy, uses of mathematics and science in society, and the use of technology across mathematics and science content. Particular emphasis will be given to teaching the more overarching concepts in each of these areas as well as making connections between topics and between courses. Emphasis will be placed on developing the thinking skills of high school students relevant to their cultural, social, and racial backgrounds.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 571 requires a prerequisite of SED 570.
Typically offered in Spring.

SED 590. Teaching and Learning in Secondary English Language Arts. 6 Credits.

In this intensive experience, candidates acquire and practice content and pedagogical knowledge and skills for designing curriculum and assessment in an inclusive secondary English Language Arts classroom. Candidates develop self-reflective practices and professional knowledge and dispositions. The course offers learning experiences that model best practices as they teach them and ample field experience so that students develop and practice these pedagogical skills under supervision from faculty and field experience co-teachers. Candidates acquire knowledge from these activities and a variety of videos and readings in textbooks, scholarly articles, and websites in order to answer these essential questions: What should I teach in the ELA classroom? Why should I teach the ELA? How should I teach the ELA? How do I know my students have learned? What do I do to become a professional educator?.
Pre / Co requisites: SED 590 requires a prerequisite of SED 505.
Consent: Permission of the Department required to add.
Typically offered in Fall.

SED 600. Independent Study. 3-6 Credits.

To be taken as an opportunity to explore an education related project. Can include a research project, an in-depth literature review, or development of a specialized project, each under the facilitation of a faculty advisor. The course should be preceded by the acceptance of a project proposal by an appropriate faculty member and culminate in a project presentation as a seminar. At the conclusion of the course, student should have gained significant expertise in their area of study.
Consent: Permission of the Department required to add.
Typically offered in Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter.