ENG: English
How to Read Course Descriptions
ENG 134. Idioms in the Context of American Culture. 3 Credits.
Through the use of modern American movies, this course helps students learn the meanings of idioms in context. Students practice using these idioms in drills and exercises.
ENG 150. Writing Studies Workshop. 3 Credits.
A workshop that provides intensive instruction for students who experience difficulty in writing. Open to first-year students.
Repeatable for credit.
ENG 199. English Transfer Credits. 1-10 Credits.
Transfer Credits
Repeatable for credit.
ENG 201. Introduction to English Studies. 3 Credits.
This course is an introduction to the English Studies discipline and its many sub-fields of inquiry. It emphasizes interpretation and production of textual genres. Students examine how their reading and writing strategies affect their interpretation and production of texts.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 202. Research Methods for English Studies. 3 Credits.
This course teaches core research skills using exciting and varied real research topics by practicing scholars in the department. Students will consider the ethics of responsible research and analysis, and they will learn the fundamentals of library and internet research, document analysis, and rigorous evidence-based writing, including their grasp of academic writing in English. English scholars draw upon a wide range of fields and disciplines and embrace various research methodologies, and research in English is more than just locating and synthesizing peer-reviewed scholarship. Students will therefore also be introduced to at least one other method of research, for example archival, ethnographic, or digital humanities methods. They will also be taught the moves that writers of academic research writing often make. As students synthesize research into their writing, they will negotiate those moves to develop further their academic voices.
ENG 206. Black Critical Theory. 3 Credits.
This course explores the political, social, cultural, and historical factors that influenced the development of twentieth century Black Critical Theory. Students will develop an awareness of critical, theoretical, and rhetorical approaches to textual analysis that are central to the field of English Studies as they learn about crucial moments in African American and Diasporic history and culture such as The Harlem Renaissance, The Realist/Protest Movement, The Civil Rights Era/Black Arts Movement, and The Feminist/Womanist Movement.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 215. Views on Literacy. 3 Credits.
The historical and social contexts of English literacy. Emphasis on writing.
Gen Ed Attribute: Interdisciplinary Requirement, Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 230. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 Credits.
Basic concepts of language description, classification, change, reconstruction, dialectology, and sociolinguistics.
Equivalent courses: LIN 230
ENG 240. Language, Gender, and Sexuality. 3 Credits.
This course introduces students to the study of language as a resource for the production of gender and sexuality. Discussion of popular beliefs and scholarly theories about language and communication.
Gen Ed Attribute: Diverse Community(select both), Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 250. Stylistics: The Language of Literature. 3 Credits.
This course introduces students to linguistic methodologies of investigating the language of literary texts, as well as media and political discourse, and addresses two key questions: "What is style?" and "How do texts mean?".
ENG 270. Book History: Introduction. 3 Credits.
This course studies the history of the creation, production, distribution, circulation, and reception of the written word. As it traces how authorship, reading, publishing, and the physical properties of texts have altered over time, the course examines, both historically and analytically, the intellectual, social and cultural impact of changing communications technologies against the backdrop of our current digital age.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 280. Introduction to Digital Humanities. 3 Credits.
An introduction to new media, digital humanities, and computational approaches to literature and writing, with a survey of theories, methodologies, and current critical practices.
ENG 280 Prerequisite: Successful completion of WRT 120 or WRT 123, with minimum grades of D-.
ENG 295. Histories and Texts. 3 Credits.
This course focuses on history and its influences on the reception and production of texts. Students will be asked to engage critical historical and literary materials in order to develop insight into how cultural historical circumstances enable the production of texts and influence how readers respond to them. Second of three majors' core courses.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 296. Theory & Criticism in English Studies. 3 Credits.
Students will examine major theoretical approaches to working with texts with an emphasis on how the relationship between meaning and text is conceived by different critical theories. This course also provides students with an overview of the intellectual lineage that subtends modern and postmodern theory in the humanities, highlighting the ways in which postmodern theory came to challenge earlier aesthetic and philosophical movements, such as pre-sophist, Greco-Roman, Medieval, Modern, Romantic, and Enlightenment traditions in Western European cultures. The course helps students to both understand and challenge the dominance of Western Culture in English Studies altogether by exploring comparative non-western aesthetic and philosophical movements.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 304. Essay Workshop. 3 Credits.
Experience in reading and writing essays, with focus on revision, on the use of the public 'I', and on appropriate voice. Attention to invention.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 305. Environmental/Experiential Writing: Taking Action. 3 Credits.
This service-learning writing course will ask students to do environmental service in our area, evaluate others' environmental actions, and reflect upon these experiences in writing. We will consider writing itself as an important action for self-awareness and social change.
Gen Ed Attribute: Sustainability Pathway, Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 320. Usability & User Experience. 3 Credits.
Introduction to usability and user experience in the development and revision of websites, including issues of accessibility.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 331. Structure of Modern English. 3 Credits.
A detailed analysis of the modern descriptive approach to the study of English grammar and how it compares with the traditional approach.
ENG 331 Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 230 or LIN 230, with minimum grades of D-.
ENG 335. History of the English Language. 3 Credits.
Review of the influences on the development of the English language.
ENG 335 Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 230 or LIN 230, with minimum grades of D-.
ENG 339. Dialects of American English. 3 Credits.
Development of the English language in America since colonial settlement. Pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of the regional and social dialects of American English.
ENG 339 Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 230 or LIN 230, with minimum grade of D-.
ENG 340. Sociolinguistic Aspects of English. 3 Credits.
The study of language in its social context; the ethnography of communication; language and society, social classes, ethnic groups, politics, sex, and education.
ENG 340 Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 230 with minimum grade of D-.
ENG 345. Women Writing: Autobiography. 3 Credits.
A writing seminar directed toward the reading of women's autobiographies and the writing of personal autobiographical narratives.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 368. Business and Organizational Writing. 3 Credits.
The nature of communication within business and organizations. Theoretical basis and practical application.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
Distance education offering may be available.
ENG 371. Technical Writing. 3 Credits.
Instruction in the forms and techniques of written, oral, and visual communication currently practiced in the scientific and technical professions. A series of coordinated assignments leads to a final project in the student's field of professional study.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 375. Strategies for Writing in the Workplace. 3 Credits.
Strategy and politics of client-centered and competitive writing that achieves objectives for the professions and organizations.
Gen Ed Attribute: Community Engagement Pathway, Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 382. Teaching English Language Learners PK-12. 3 Credits.
A study of issues and the application of techniques, strategies, and materials for meeting the needs of English Language Learners/English Learners in inclusive classrooms. Emphases include sociocultural issues in educational contexts, TESOL through the content areas, linguistics, second language acquisition, the integration and applications of the PA English Language Proficiency Standards PK-12 (ELPS) and current trends in second language teaching, learning and assessment.
Gen Ed Attribute: Diverse Community(select both)
Distance education offering may be available.
Equivalent courses: LAN 382
ENG 395. Internship. 3-12 Credits.
Intensive practical experience with selected businesses, media, and public agencies. Limited to qualified students who have earned a minimum of 80 credit hours. See Handbook for English Majors for specific requirements.
Repeatable for credit.
ENG 397. Writing Tutoring. 3 Credits.
Theory and practice of writing tutoring, especially for those who plan a career in teaching or who are focusing on the remediation or development of language and writing skills.
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing Emphasis (select both)
ENG 400. Research Seminar. 3 Credits.
This course is a variable-topic research seminar. Students will do advanced work in many topics in English studies, including literature, rhetoric, film, cultural studies, composition, aesthetics, theory, individual authors. This course may be repeated for credit.
ENG 400 Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 201; ENG 202 or ENG 295; and ENG 206 or ENG 296, with minimum grades of D-.
Distance education offering may be available.
Repeatable for credit.
ENG 410. Independent Study. 3 Credits.
Independent study
Repeatable for credit.
ENG 414. Tutoring Practicum. 1 Credit.
Contact department for more information about this course.
ENG 499. English Capstone. 3 Credits.
Students will complete two projects (portfolio and capstone project) to demonstrate proficiency in the skills and methods they have acquired in the major. Taken in the student's final year.
ENG 499 Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG 201; ENG 202 or ENG 295; and ENG 206 or ENG 296, with minimum grades of D-; and 90 completed credits. Student must major in English.
Gen Ed Attribute: Speaking Emphasis