Minor in Digital Humanities and New Media

Students must complete a minimum of six credits of advanced standing coursework in their minor.* 

Required Core Courses 1
DHM 280Introduction to Digital Humanities3
DHM 325Digital Research Methods
DHM 405Digital Humanities Practicum
Program Electives 1,2
Complete 9 credits fom the following:9
Digital Media
Living in the Digital Age
Introduction to Computer Programming
Introduction to Web Design
Book History: Introduction
Usability & User Experience
Introduction to Geospatial Technology and Analytics
GIS for Social Justice
Computer Cartography
History on the Web
Digital History
Technology and Language Learning
Language and the Internet
Language & Culture
Topics in Digital Literature and Culture
The Digital Self
Composing Cyberspace
Writing for the Web
Seminar in Youth-Led Media and Inquiry
Total Minimum Credits Required18

Minimum grade of C- must be earned in each course taken in the minor.


No more than two electives can be taken from the same department.

*Advanced standing coursework is defined as any 300-level course or above and specific 200-level courses identified by the department.