B.M. in Theory

The B.M. in Theory provides intensive training in the analysis of popular music, jazz, and Western art music. Students will develop analytic skills through the in-depth study of music theory, musicianship, counterpoint, music analysis techniques, historical musicology, performance, and conducting. In addition, students will study the psychology of music and music theory pedagogy in seminar-style classes.   

Academic Foundations
First Year Experience requirement3
English Composition requirement6-7
Mathematics requirement3-4
Interdisciplinary requirement3
Diverse Communities requirement3
Global Soundscapes: Music, History, and Society 1
Ethics requirement3
Distributed Disciplinary Foundations
Science requirement3
Behavioral & Social Science requirement3
Humanities requirement3
Arts requirement3
Global Soundscapes: Music, History, and Society 1
University Requirements
Writing Emphasis requirement9
Music Analysis
Western Art Music II
Speaking Emphasis requirement9
Western Art Music I 1
Creativity & Improvisation
Degree Requirements
Capstone requirement1-15
Required Theory/Composition Courses
MTC 112Theory of Music I 13
MTC 114Aural Activities I 12
MTC 113Theory of Music II 13
MTC 115Aural Activities II 12
MTC 212Theory of Music III3
MTC 214Aural Activities III2
MTC 213Theory of Music IV3
MTC 215Aural Activities IV2
MTC 250Music and the Mind2
MTC 342Music Analysis3
MTC 479Music Theory/Composition Seminar3
MTC 485Senior Thesis I3
Required Music History Courses
MHL 180Global Soundscapes: Music, History, and Society 13
MHL 280Western Art Music I 13
MHL 380Western Art Music II3
Upper-Level Music Theory Electives
Choose 9 credits under advisement from below or other upper-level music theory courses.9
16th Century Counterpoint
18th Century Counterpoint
Music Theory/Composition Seminar
Upper-Level Music History Electives
Choose 9 credits from the following or other 300/400/600-level music history courses. 9
Music and the Related Arts
History of Opera
History of Orchestral Music
Major Lessons
INM 111Applied Lesson 1.5
or VOK 111 Applied Lesson
INM 112Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 112 Applied Lesson
INM 211Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 211 Applied Lesson
INM 212Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 212 Applied Lesson
INM 311Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 311 Applied Lesson
INM 312Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 312 Applied Lesson
INM 411Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 411 Applied Lesson
INM 412Applied Lesson1.5
or VOK 412 Applied Lesson
Ensembles 2
MHL 310Collegium Musicum (2 semesters required)2
Concert Ensembles 24
4 consecutive semesters required (courses are repeatable).
Concert Band
Wind Symphony
Wind Ensemble
Orpheus Singers
Allegro Voices
Oriana Chorale
Concert Choir
Symphony Orchestra
Criterions Jazz Ensemble
Statesmen Jazz Ensemble
String Ensemble 3
Keyboard Ensemble 4
Elective Ensembles 22
Select 2 courses below (courses are repeatable).
Basketball Band
Marching Band
Concert Band
Wind Symphony
Wind Ensemble
Chamber Winds
Orpheus Singers
Allegro Voices
Oriana Chorale
Concert Choir
Chamber Choir
Vocal Jazz
Recital Choir
Symphony Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra
Criterions Jazz Ensemble
Statesmen Jazz Ensemble
Latin Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Combo
Collegium Musicum
Studio Music Ensemble
Brass Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Steel Drum Ensemble
String Ensemble 3
Woodwind Ensemble
Keyboard Ensemble 4
Opera Production
Piano 5
PIA 150Piano Class I1
PIA 151Piano Class II
CON 311Instrumental Conducting I1.5
or CON 321 Choral Conducting I
INM 243Creativity & Improvisation 3
Select three credits from the following.3
Studio Production I
Computer Music
Any CSC/CST/CSW course.
Complete 5.5 credits of electives.5.5
Recital Attendance
6 semesters of recital attendance (10 approved recitals)
Capstone Requirement
MTC 486Senior Thesis II 6, 73
Total Minimum Credits Required120

Minimum grade of C- is required.


The first ensemble each semester is 1 credit.  Additional ensembles are 0.5 credit each.


Guitar ensemble, guitar only.


Piano only. 


May complete via competency exam.


This course fulfills the Capstone requirement.


MTC 486 is the thesis component for students in this major. No recital in applied performance is required.


To track their individual degree progress, students are advised to access their Degree Audit via RamPortal regularly. For more information, visit the Degree Audit FAQ webpage.

The following is a sample suggested course sequence for this program; course offerings and availability are not guaranteed. Students should consult their academic advisor with any questions.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Semester OneCredits
MTC 112 Theory of Music I 1 3
INM 111
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
PIA 150 Piano Class I 1
FYE 100XFirst Year Experience 3
Concert Ensemble 1
General Education Course 3
General Education Course 3
Recital Attendance  
Semester Two
MTC 113 Theory of Music II 1 3
MTC 114 Aural Activities I 1 2
MTC 250 Music and the Mind 2
INM 112
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
PIA 151 Piano Class II 1
Concert Ensemble 1
General Education Course 3
Recital Attendance  
Year Two
Semester Three
MTC 115 Aural Activities II 1 2
MTC 212 Theory of Music III 3
MHL 180 Global Soundscapes: Music, History, and Society 1 3
INM 211
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
INM 243 Creativity & Improvisation 3
Concert Ensemble 1
General Education Course 3
Recital Attendance  
Semester Four
MTC 213 Theory of Music IV 3
MTC 214 Aural Activities III 2
INM 212
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
MHL 280 Western Art Music I 1 3
Concert Ensemble 1
General Education Course 3
Recital Attendance  
Year Three
Semester Five
MTC 215 Aural Activities IV 2
MTC 342 Music Analysis 3
MTC 479 Music Theory/Composition Seminar 3
MHL 310 Collegium Musicum 1
MHL 380 Western Art Music II 3
INM 311
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
MTC 3XX/4XXUpper-Level Music Theory Elective 3
Recital Attendance  
Semester Six
MHL 310 Collegium Musicum 1
INM 312
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
MTC 3XX/4XXUpper-Level Music Theory Elective 3
MHL 3XX/4XXUpper-Level Music History Elective 3
Technology Course 3
General Education Course 3
Recital Attendance  
Year Four
Semester Seven
MTC 485 Senior Thesis I 3
INM 411
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
CON 311
Instrumental Conducting I
or Choral Conducting I
MHL 3XX/4XXUpper-Level Music History Course 3
Elective Ensemble 1
General Education Course 3
Elective 3
Semester Eight
MTC 486 Senior Thesis II 3
INM 412
Applied Lesson
or Applied Lesson
MHL 3XX/4XX/6XXUpper-Level Music History Course 3
Elective Ensemble 1
General Education Course 3
Elective 2.5
 Total Credits120

Grade of C- or higher required.